Saturday, November 7, 2009

I remember....

I remember at the end of the day when working with medical offices, talking with them on the phone and collecting clinical information for prior authorization, I would think to myself how I would love to be able to teach them what I know. Hearing the frustration and stress in their voices and their words, I wish I could show them where to look for information, how to read the doctor's note, what the labs mean, why ordering an MRI brain is better than ordering a CT scan for headaches. All this has now come true. I am teaching staff all of these things and more! Being a nurse, what a great way for me to help patients by teaching medical staff.
If you are feeling frustrated and stressed out with this process, contact me at
There is no obligation and no high pressure sales pitch.

I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. ~William Penn

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